Craftt Media Kit | Craftt FAQs


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To empower the world’s workforce and create a frictionless and fairer future of work.


To deliver universal benefits that enable financial confidence so anyone can have the freedom to choose where and how they work, without worries.

About Craftt:

Craftt is building a frictionless and fairer future of work with a platform built on decentralized infrastructure. Its mission is to deliver universal benefits that enable financial confidence for the modern workforce.

Founding Date:



Globally distributed. Remote.


Peggy Choi



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Craftt Features (in the roadmap):

  1. Craftt ID

    Represents a user's identity and profile for single sign-on authentication and verification to connect the universal benefits system.

  2. Craftt Pass

    Craftt Pass is the gateway to universal benefits, opportunities, earnings, and rewards. It's an all-in-one application that empowers users with a growing ecosystem designed to support and enhance their careers.

    It allows users to build and showcase a verified profile to enhance their career reputation, unlock benefits traditionally reserved for full-time employees—starting with global health insurance and other work-life offers. Plus, to get ahead with apps in the ecosystem such as invoicing, job marketplaces, and more.

  3. Benefits & Payments Infrastructure

    The core of Craftt's universal benefits system, earnings and network monetization layer, and global payment solutions.

  4. Craftt API and no-code tools

    Solutions for partners and builders to integrate Craftt into their applications and offer access to universal benefits for their users.

Craftt Pass Features (as of Q3 2024):


  1. Real World Impact

    Craftt is intensely focused on delivering tangible, real-world benefits with seamless user experience. Blockchain complexities are abstracted away. The commitment to deliver impactful use cases set Craftt apart in the web3 market.

  2. Decentralized Data Layer

    Craftt empowers users with true ownership of their digital identities and career credentials, while ensuring privacy, security, and autonomy. The decentralized data layer will enable opportunities to find talents seamlessly. Users can also monetize their career data to earn passively.

  3. Benefits Subsidized by Network Economics

    With its technology and products, Craftt aims to provide users with access to benefits traditionally reserved for full-time employees, starting with global health insurance. Ultimately, Craftt’s goal is to offer health insurance, more earnings, and a growing range of benefits and opportunities for all**—**subsidized through network economics, enabling anyone to work flexibly with the freedom to choose where and how they work, without financial or health worries.


Craftt Pass is free for all to sign up and access



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Craftt-built apps (Private Beta):

Community-built apps (Coming soon):

Integrations (Coming soon):


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Total market size:

3 billion global workforce, with a focus on the 50% that are working independently.

Target market segments:

Independent workers

Industry sectors:

Broader tech sectors



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Recent news: